Scope Of This Project

At this point, this website is intended to be primarily an archive of factual accounts of what happened–not of analytical interpretations of the event (I intend to supplement this site with a summary of the key works of analysis, many of which are buried deep in message boards, at a later date). With a few carefully noted exceptions, I have limited my focus to original sources that tell the narrative story of the event–a series of mysterious encounters that took place between November 10 and November 14, 2004 and were witnessed by members of the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group off the coast of San Diego. I have excluded sources that merely make tangential reference to the Nimitz or Tic-Tac incidents, eliminating hundreds of newspaper articles, TV broadcasts and other sources. This is a living document, and I intend to supplement it as new material becomes available. I am 100% sure that I have missed some things, so please feel free to let me know if you are aware of important omissions. I will update this as my schedule allows, probably about once a quarter.